Friday, December 5, 2014

Dr. Gil Lederman, Jonah Engler & Others On Communicating

·“Good writing skills can help you come across as more credible, more capable, than a colleague who frequently has typos and grammatical errors.” Renee O’Farrell

·“Communicating is everything.” Dr. Gil Lederman

·“Supervisors and business associates who express themselves well in writing inspire a feeling of confidence in their abilities from employees or colleagues.” Brian Hill 

·“Communication skills, including writing, are one of the most important transferable skills that workers possess. Most business professionals, such as marketing, finance, and research and development managers, need excellent writing skills to properly convey ideas and concepts.” Rick Suttle

·“Strong written communication conveys intelligence, professionalism and attention to detail. These are qualities that are key in leadership roles where you represent the image of the business.” Neil Kokemuller

·"There are not many jobs in any industry that do not require good writing skills, and poor skills may even leave you at a disadvantage when searching for employment.” Kevin Withers

·"It's always been important for professionals and academics to use proper grammar and communicate well, but now, it's increasingly important for more people to have good writing skills.” Sarah Wright 

·“Good writing skills communicate intelligence, professionalism, and competency.” Serena Franken 

·“Strong writing abilities can help you move up the corporate ladder. The Grammarly study noted that fewer grammatical errors correlate with more promotions and, of course, higher salaries.” Robert Hosking

·“Writing, talking and more works – as long as people are listening.” Jonah Engler

·“Written communication to employees is one way a company shows that it values their contribution and appreciates their efforts.” Brian Hill

·“In my experience, the practice of good, collaborative writing makes the difference between great business and bad business — a sale or no sale.” Kyle Wiens

·“The skills that make us better writers make us better explainers, better persuaders, and better thinkers. They are the skills that allow us to “sell” our ideas effectively, whether in giving a presentation to potential funders of our company, proposing a new project to our corporate leadership, or transmitting a new policy to our employees.” Dustin Wax

·“While much emphasis is placed on verbal and listening skills in communication, writing also conveys messages internally and externally for an organization.” Neil Kokemuller

·“The writing skills you develop now will impact your future job applications, promotions, career advancements, and even our economy.” Allison VanNest

·“Professionals spend more time each day writing and are inundated with written communications, so it is imperative that employees be able to write succinctly and write well.” Joyce E.A. Russell

·"Bad writing can have a wide-ranging, negative effect on your business, from creating a less-than-coherent business plan and hampering your efforts to attract investors, to communicating with employees, vendors and even your customers.” Lauren Simonds 

·“Writing doesn’t just communicate ideas; it generates them. If you’re bad at writing and don’t like to do it, you’ll miss out on most of the ideas writing would have generated.” Paul Graham

·"Today, writing well is more important than ever. Far from being the province of a select few as it was in Hemingway’s day, writing is a daily occupation for all of us — in email, on blogs, and through social media.” Jocelyn K. Glei

·“Sharp writing conveys the impression that a sharp mind composed the words. Sloppy writing, on the other hand, can make others conclude that the creator is not intelligent. Some might even question their job-related competence.” Brian Hill

·“Your professional image is impacted by your writing skills. The better your skills are, the better your image is.” Serena Franken

·“Good writing skills are a key asset at every stage of your career, from the moment you write your very first cover letter and resume/CV until your retirement party.” Robert Hosking