Wednesday, September 10, 2014

5 ways to bring Pizza Hut back from the brink

Decreasing sales at Pizza Hut have led analysts to speculate that YUM Brands should consider selling the pizza chain, especially in light of the continuing growth from Taco Bell and KFC. YUM Brands, the parent company of all three restaurants, has stated that it is working on several ideas for improving sales at Pizza Hut.

RonnTorossian reveals five of the strategies that could be used to revitalize the failing pizza chain, and increase sales.

In this digital age, it is essential that people be able to order online from their mobile devices. Although most companies have a web presence, many have not streamlined their websites for smartphones and tablets. By optimizing their online ordering process for smartphones and tablets, Pizza Hut would make it faster, easier, and more appealing for people to place an online order.

One way to draw attention back to Pizza Hut is to release new products. Recently, Pizza Hut began making a giant cookie pizza cut into slices just like a pizza. This is a good start towards expanding the menu to encompass more choices and options for dining.

There are no shortages of pizza joints out there, and Pizza Hut needs to stand out from the crowd if it wants to increase sales. Between local mom-and-pop places as well as competing chains such as Dominos and Papa Johns, there is a lot of competition in the world of pizza, and Pizza Hut needs something to differentiate itself from all the other options out there.

Many consumers complain about the taste of Pizza Hut’s pizza. By stating that they will work on taste and focusing an advertising campaign around improving the overall quality of their product, Pizza Hut could gain back some of the sales lost. This strategy also shows consumers that the restaurant cares about the opinions of the people who eat there and is willing to make changes to satisfy its customers.

More and more people are being careful about what they eat. This means that they are examining the quality of the ingredients that go into their food more closely. By using organic and local ingredients, Pizza Hut would improve its image and appeal to all of the people who are more aware of where their food is coming from. This will not only improve the chain’s image, but also garner more customers.

Sales may have decreased at Pizza Hut, but Ronn Torossian says that by implementing some of these five strategies, the pizza chain could make a comeback. For now, YUM Brands has no immediate plans to sell Pizza Hut, especially with so many options available for making improvements.

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